Monday, October 7, 2013

October 06, 2013

Thinking of joining the Valley of Smoke? Click the Joining Us link above to find out how! It's free to join up! 
October 20th will be Coronation for Valley of Smoke! With a massive quest planned, everyone needs to show up! It's the perfect day to get a free meal and find out more about our game. You're invited!
A total of 13 players braved the strangely out of season heat on this October day. Several of our usual players went on vacation this week. We await their return eagerly!
Starting with our favorite type of game, the mutual annihilation, the two teams broke up evenly with intentions on slaughtering each other. But a twist was introduced to make things more challenging! Henry Greatwing became his own team. Armed with a pole arm, he stood in the center of the field, determined to kill anyone who crossed his path. Serving as a game item in this manner, Henry had infinite lives, but drained the other teams of theirs at an increased rate. 
 After the game and a water break, the teams took the field again together, their ranks unchanged. This time, another twist was added. Riken Eclipse took to the section of gravel covered grass as a neutral healer. Anyone who could reach her could be healed, from either team... if they could reach her! Henry Greatwing stood guard over Riken, determined to stop others from reaching the gravel for their heals. 
Once this game was over, the wind began picking up. This made life entertaining, not only from the viewpoint of the shade tent attempting to become a kite, but also for Riken as she set up a new maze game she had created. Once she was finished marking off the field with tape, teams of three were invited to challenge the maze for the prize of 100 gold pieces to be split between them. 
Henry Greatwing was picked on again in the role of a vicious goblin with plenty of armor. Armed first with two swords, his favorite way of fighting, and then later in the maze with a pole arm, Henry forced the teams of three to use teamwork in order to get past him and claim their gold. All of the players earned their 33 gold each, and, when challenged to bet their money on an all or nothing competition, turned the offer down. 
Several minion based games took place while Riken, Prada and Henry rested on the sidelines. Riken took her version 8 reeve's test for a second time while the three discussed the upcoming special event on October 20th.
 The day ended with another mutual annihilation game that featured Prada on one side of the field as a neutral healer, and Hagari Ironforge on the other as a neutral druid. Henry Greatwing ran back and forth, trying to prevent players from reaching both men at the same time. With the increased enchantments, the game lasted much longer than usual. Here is a brief video of the dual-neutral game fun!

As people began running out of steam, and the wind attempted to blow the shade tent away yet again, we packed up and called it a day. 

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